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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2021 3:02:51 GMT
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music blaring in her ears. sweat slinging from her brow. she punches, one-two, one-two, 'til knuckles bleed. hops from foot to foot, punch. undercut, forward jab, step back, and slug that shit. the bag umphs with every hit, leaves criss-crossed stitches of red over her skin. 

left behind, but that's not a problem, really. all of rocket's off lolly-gagging into some whacked out tree. left the rest of 'em, the rats, in a pseudo-vacation. 

with her jobs finished and no new assignments, you'd think she'd take some time not to hit shit. 

but she's right back at it, sparring with a bag when amulius and remus grow too tired. you need hobbies, her sister'd probably say ( ) but here she is. 

ring's full for the night, but it's full of pussies she's knocked already. nothing interesting on a weekday. even 's elsewhere. least he's not here to yell at her for spitting on his floor.

she rolls her neck, raises her fists. 
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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2021 15:28:42 GMT
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One would usually find Captain Skyler Dross haunting the rowdy seaside pubs at the end of the day. Tonight, however, the night is inky dark and the wind bites cold at her exposed skin as she makes her way through familiar filthy alleys.

If there's any satisfaction to be found tonight, she knows, it won't be at the bottom of a bottle. 

Relief comes with the deep bass that rattles through her bones, with the gauze wrapped tightly around her knuckles, with the promise of violence that lingers at the edge of the hungry gazes around her. She takes it all in with a deep, satisfied inhale. Wets her lips in anticipation as she surveys her surroundings.

Tonight she wants blood. Whether that be hers or someone else's she doesn't care to know. Or maybe it doesn't really matter.

Skyler's a regular here, which means that new faces are immediately recognizable. And it also means that her gaze soon catches that of a certain pinkette.

Lips quirk up into something too feral to be something as civilized as a smile. Teeth flashing sharp, hungry, taunting

By her side, her hands coil into closed fists.

"Done playin' with the little kiddies, Pinkie?"


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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2021 16:50:00 GMT
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yeah, she's seen her around, but they're like ships passing in the night. this one had popped up shortly after hoenn had really gone to shit. and parker's watched her since. girl can certainly hold her own, though she's fairly certain she's never tried her hand at

parker throws another couple punches at the bag. lips parted, breath coming out in rasps, and music still blaring in her ears, she doesn't hear what the blonde says to her. but she gets the gist, what with that smile on her face and the way her fingers curl. unfortunately for her, parker's got a thing for girls like her.

"sorry, sweetheart. i don't throw punches at girls with pretty faces." though she does, at least, give her a courtesy by taking one of her earbuds out. 
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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2021 18:37:02 GMT
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Any modicum of smugness trickles away from Skyler's expression at the word. What is exposed instead, there one second and gone the next, is something raw and furious. Something that scrapes against her nerves in a way that is not entirely unpleasant.

And as she bares her teeth at Parker, any semblance of civility promptly shoved out the door, she finds herself craving more of it.

She hasn't fought , but they've shared drinks - and if there's any universal truth to Skyler's life, it's that she does savagery and debauchery equally well. 

A blade-sharp gaze flicks over parted lips, lingering a second before lazily inching its way up to meet Parker's own.

"Shame. I thought you'd be some fun at least."

It sounds like a dare. It sounds like an invitation


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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 4:45:51 GMT
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ah, struck a nerve there, did she? she runs her tongue along her teeth, tastes metal and salt and a little bit of phlegm. skyler's looking her up and down and she's pretty fuckin' sure the dame is taken, but people aren't themselves all the way down here. they turn into monsters when the sun has set, bristling with claws and rage and all the ugly little things that seem so out of place in the sun. 

she reaches down to the ground and grabs her water bottle and her towel. she tosses the latter over her shoulder and takes a swig from the former, shifts her weight to one hip and returns skyler's look, but she's a little less casual about hers. 

"you're lookin' for fun 'n all the wrong places." she grabs the towel and wipes her shoulders. and then she reaches out a hand just as one of the bouncers walk by. 

"tell those fuckers 'round the ring we're next. show 'em a real fight." 

he moves off with a roll of his eyes and parker winks. as she stalks past skyler, she tosses her soiled towel at her and grins. bites her lower lip. "see ya on the other side, sweetheart."
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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2021 16:47:27 GMT
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"Am I?"

Backing down isn't an option. The captain's all too enamored with the thrill of skirting the edge, of taking just one step too far. 

Why else would she come here?

Pinkie's approach is met with a casual sort of defiance, feet stubbornly rooted in the ground even when the towel hits her shoulder. Even when the ponding of her heart echoes in her ears like drums of war. Boom. Boom. Boom. Dry mouth. Dilated pupils. Head tilted back. A slow, deliberate smirk that begs for trouble. 

"Are you wrong places, Pinkie?"

Skyler hopes she is. 

Because Parker's right: people are different animals when they burrow into these places - and Skyler's no exception. She's more herself.

"Good." Teeth flash out, tinged wild and euphoric. Liquid mercury follows Parker all the way to the ring, uncaring for whoever had just vacated it. Skyler soon follows, taking Parker's towel with her; she wasn't a complete savage, after all.

Rebellious curls are wrestled into a ponytail, but a few errant strands of hair escape regardless. One level above, a few of the patrons seem to notice the fight about to happen. Money changes hands. Bets are placed. A few rude jeers float down to the ring; Skyler gives them the middle finger.

"What d'you figure your odds are, Pinkie?" 


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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 0:26:14 GMT
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she ducks under the ropes, one hand extended to lift it a smidge. the stretch makes the muscles in her back twinge and she runs her tongue over her teeth, whistles out a breath real soft like. she'd run herself ragged and her body hasn't quite forgiven her for it, but ain't no way she's walking away from this. 

look, even if she goes down, least it'll be to a pretty dame like this one. seems to be the same kinda mentality 'round the ring, 'cause everyone's crowding around them now. men are hollering and jeering and parker's rolling her eyes, tuning 'em out and putting her earbuds back in. 

"think i win either way," she says with a grin.

she hops on her feet, draws her arms back tight, and jabs at the air. the crowd around them surges, but she can't hear their laughter. good

she crows with laughter though, at the finger, and decides against going in at her like a snake. nah, instead she'll wait 'til her focus is really on her. let her bristle. let her prepare. 

"it's just you and me, girl." knuckles tighten, muscles ripple, and her first punch is thrown.
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 11:13:38 GMT
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"it's just you and me, girl."

The bloodthirsty crowd becomes an inconsequential backdrop to the woman in front of her, their jeers and taunts failing to reach past the live wire that comes alive under Skyler's skin. She becomes intimately aware of the oxygen that slips cold past her throat, of the shifting of muscle as she readies herself, of the fabric that stretches tightly around her knuckles. Pristine white, unlike that of Parker's.

Not for long, Skyler hopes.

Silver finds itself edging the sharp relief of Parker's grin, helplessly drawn to the silent challenge. Arrogance and violence vying for supremacy in the lopsided curl of her own lips.

"Don't you dare go easy on me, Pinkie."

This, Skyler thinks, is what it feels like to be gloriously alive.

And then a fist comes for her face and Skyler barely dodges to the side. A growl rips its way out of her lips, calve muscles straining as she moves out of the way. An intelligent fighter would suss out their opponent, would learn the way they move, turn it against them.

Skyler gives herself no time to do these things. Her hand coils into a fist as she steps boldly into Parker's personal space. She makes no attempts to play nice, or to protect herself, as she rotates her hips to drive an uppercut to the woman's solar plexus.


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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 3:48:12 GMT
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amulius and remus pull their punches, but there have still been times where they've broken parker's ribs in the heat of their sparring. her abdomen is one of steel and so she takes the hit full-on, with a confidence that might very well spell her demise. what parker isn't aware of is the fact that captain skyler dross isn't entirely human and it's with the ocean's rage that she slams into her. 

the breath whistles sharply out of parker's lungs, right past skyler's ear. as much as her reflexes scream for her to curl inward, to cover the pain, training and a million and one too many fights keeps her standing. 

she pivots with a grunt, finds her balance through the black spots in her vision, and trails her tongue along skyler's neck. hoping to catch her by surprise and buy herself some time to recover from that fucking blow, she sweeps a leg out to the woman's ankles. 
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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 14:34:00 GMT
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Triumph is short-lived.

What the-


The word brushes past the shell of Parker’s ear, breathy and ragged and edging the line between a curse and a plea. Skyler’s heartbeat stutters sharply under the tongue that slides over her neck, pupils blown wide at the unexpected move. Some feral instinct flickers briefly behind the surface of darkened silver. Fingers to latch onto Parker’s side of their own volition, blunt nails digging in none too gently.


She’s caught off guard by the leg that slams into her. The impact with the ground slams all remaining air out of her lungs, but isn’t nearly enough to stop another foul curse from being growled out. This one far more heartfelt.

Oh, is that how Pinkie wanted to play? Fine.

Skyler doesn’t bother getting up. She turns to the side instead, leg shooting out to slam into Parker’s ankles in petty revenge. And should her opponent fall, Skyler would jump to grab her legs and pull her close enough to let Parker have another taste of her punches.

This time to the face.


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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 16:42:00 GMT
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parker shivers, shudders, because half her mind is on skyler's contortions, and the other is trying to smother the pain reverberating in her abdomen and up her sides. doesn't help that she's still struggling to catch her breath. but just as expected, skyler doesn't see the move coming and goes down

what she would have done, had she not still been stuck staggering, is back up and bring her side to the end of the ring. but reality's a lot less kinder than that. her feet refuse to listen, so skyler gets her wish. 

she's got a millisecond to decide how she wants to land, but that's really all she needs. arms come up in a cross to block the blow to her face. the punch glances off of her and parker twists awkwardly, sheer force of will allowing her abs to crunch so she can yank her knees up to pin skyler's shoulders. 

the jeering of the crowd breaks through as she snarls down at the other woman. shoulders twist and she comes down with a closed fist of her own. 
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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 20:00:12 GMT
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Skyler's punch fails to meet its target, glancing off of Parker's crossed arms. Her second attempt is interrupted by a powerful shove and a weight that slams her shoulders down onto the mat. Winded, she looks up just in time to see the snarl on Parker's face.


Pain explodes across her own face, thrown to the side by the force of Parker's punch. Her vision goes dark for a moment of bursting agony, and she comes to with a groan to the familiar taste of copper in her mouth. Quickly running her tongue over her split lip, she glares up at Parker.

"Fuckin' asshole." Beneath the surface fury, something not unlike appreciation tinges her voice.

Before the woman can get another punch in, Skyler holds onto her legs. Red-stained teeth flash up in an aggressive, feral display before sinking merciless into the flesh of Parker's thigh.

And chomping down. Hard.


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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2021 17:11:50 GMT
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satisfaction settles over her as skyler's lip splits. blood splatters out over the floor from the force of the blow. ah, and the snarling is music to her ears. she's not pulling her punches, really, but she'd have pummeled a little bit more if it were a man under her. most of 'em like to go with bitch or cunt instead. and that really makes her angry. 

but naw, she's looking down at this goddess in all her fury beneath her and she's thinking maybe she can sneak a quick kiss, get some of that blood on her own lips. and then, sequentially, she thinks damn, i really need to get laid

and that's about when skyler sinks her teeth into parker's thigh. 

"you a fuckin' granbull?" she sputters, almost incoherently, as pain lances up her side. fucking hell. hands go down to skyler's own and she attempts to pry the woman off of her. her legs go slack in the process. she twists, aiming to knock her kneecap into skyler's jaw to get her to let go, but her balance is off and she falls heavily to her side with a grunt. 
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2021 12:59:18 GMT
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There's a split second, right before flesh gives under her teeth, in which Parker's hunger flashes down at her. Adrenaline throws into sharp relief Skyler's awareness of it, gliding through sun-kissed, sweat-slicked skin like a shiver.

The captain has long since made peace with the way violence beckons all sort of instincts to the surface.

Now she simply revels in the urge to push just a little too far.

The Granbull comment would've brought a rough bark of laughter out of her if not for the kneecap that comes perilously close to her still-aching face. Instead, Skyler releases her grip on Parker's thigh, using the woman's momentum shove herself on top.

Surging forward, Skyler's knees press into Parker's hips none-too-gently. Lightning-fast, calloused fingers wrap tightly around the woman's wrists, pining them under the weight of Skyler's aggression. A tongue slides over a row of red-stained teeth, savouring the coppery taste as she leans down. 

"Give up, Pinkie?" Her tongue curls around the tease as if she's tasting it, but it's not victory that swims in darkened silver. A dare underlines the words, baiting Parker to fight back.

The captain might regret this in just a moment, but honestly - she can't bring herself to care. Not when she's riding the high.


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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2021 17:26:03 GMT
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and then the waterfall parts again and the roaring in her ears is replaced by the jeers and the crude catcalls and every other vile thing she can think of. images of amulius leaving charred and broken bodies in his wake brings her a sort of inner peace. her blood goes back to pounding in her ears and her vision tightens, tunnel vision bringing skyler's face front and center. 

skyler's knees are digging into her hips and her thigh's still fucking bleeding (christ almighty), but she's still got her head on her shoulders and adrenaline coursing through her veins. and just enough tension to keep her interested. 

she's pinned and skyler is strong, but the woman makes a mistake. she brings those beautiful blood-stained lips a little closer, smile leering, eyes glowering, and parker thinks, fuck me and says, "you must be real damn wild in bed, sweetheart," and jerks her head up to smash her skull into skyler's face. 
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